Posts Tagged ‘Snow Routes’

Snow Routes- If you live or work along one – you better sign up for updates!

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

This winter is the first year of a trial program run by The City in an effort to clear our streets of snow and provide us with safer roads on days we receive significant snowfalls.  If you live on a street declared a Snow Route you will see the big blue signs along the street with the large snowflake on them.  The City website has a very comprehensive and technologically advanced information system to keep us all updated on declarations of Snow Events, snow route parking, road conditions maps, and more.  You can even download an iPhone app providing real-time information on current road conditions to help driviers navigate the winter roads and will allow you to view: Priority 1 routes, Priority 2 routes, traffic cameral locations, as well as plow and sander locations!  (To download this app go to the App Store and search for ‘City of Calgary Road Conditions’ ). City residents (whether you live on a snow route or not); may want to sign up to receive updates from The City and get instant up to date information when a Snow Event is declared and removed.  You can do so through this link.