Posts Tagged ‘Happiness’

Motivation!! A Positive Outlook is everything!!

Friday, January 28th, 2011

One of the most influential things in our life is our attitude. 

A Negative attitude can make life seem dull, monotonous, and just plain boring.  People with negative attitudes typically never have anything nice to say.  All of that negative energy can make everything that they touch seem like waste.

People who exude positive energy are generally more pleasant, willing, courteous, and kind.  They make people feel good just by being around.  They help make life special.

If you do not already have a fabulous outlook on life, try these little tricks to start to change…for the better!

1. Be grateful for all the good things in your life, even what may seem bad.  as the saying goes, things could always be worse!

2. Smile.  There is something magical about a smile.  It can warm up even the most cynical people. Smiling, even when you are not happy, can help you to stay focused on being positive.  Sometimes you have to “fake it until you make it.”

3. Do something for you.  It doesn’t have to be some big, grand retreat or jet-set getaway.  Maybe just having a new flavor of ice cream or trying a new perfume is enough.  Whatever generally makes you happy, do it.

4. Think of all the good in your life. Meditating on our lives and the good things can make us appreciate the positive experiences that we have already had and look forward to the future.

5. Exercise.  Doing something physical will get your blood flowing and endorphins going.  Endorphins are believed to improve mood.

6. Give compliments.  Seeing the good in others is something that many people struglle with.  However, when you see the good in others, they will reciprocate and find something good to say about you.  It’s a win – win for everyone!  Try it.

7. Offer love. It is hard to give when you are always negative.  Give someone a hug or send someone else a nice little token of love to make their day special.  You will feel wonderful about it!  It can become a good habit to get into.

8. Learn form your experiences both good an bad.  If things didn’t go the way you wanted them to at some point, don’t get frustrated or bitter.  Remember, everything in our life happens for a reason.  Our experiences can be a positive if we learn from them.

These are just a few ways to keep our outlook on life positive through the ups and downs we all face.  Life is what we make it.  Be good and it can be good for us.  Positivity is infectious.  All we have to do is choose it.

Be Happy in 2011

Monday, January 10th, 2011

People want to be happy, but they’re often resistant to making huge life changes to service that desire.  If only there was a secret happiness formula!

Philanthropist and author Todd Patkin thinks he can help.  He co-authored (with Dr. Howard Rankin) Finding Happiness: One Man’s Quest to Beat Depression and Anxiety and –Finally–Let the Sunshine in.

He offers 10 tips for a happier new year:

  • If you don’t exercise, start.  Exercise not only keeps you healthy and helps control weight, it’s a natural antidepressant.
  • Be easier on yourself.  You need to love and forgive yourself for your mistakes and shortcomings.
  • Find some way this year to put your gifts and talents to work. “Playing to your strengths brings real happiness,” Patkin says.
  • Build richer relationships with loved ones.
  • Celebreate your spouse.
  • Let the people you appreciate know it — not just close friends and family, but your co-workers or kids’ teachers.
  • Forgive comeone who has wronged you. Forgiveness is, at its heart, an act of self-love — if you can’t let go of pain and anger, you can’t be happy.
  • Become a giver. Happiness is not about how much you make; it’s about how much you share.
  • Take a baby step toward finding some faith.
  • Make 2011 a year of gratitude; work to be more appreciative in general.